Crowlees CE (C)

Crowlees CE (C)

Junior & Infant School

Find out more about our wonderful school

Crowlees CE (C) J & I School, Springfield Park, Parker Lane, Mirfield, West Yorkshire, WF14 9PD

(01924) 494970

School Council

The Role of our School Council


 Crowlees School Council is a group of students from Year 2 to 6 who are elected to represent the views of all pupils. 

‘Our school council means that we have a say and our voice is always heard.’ (Pupil Voice Survey)

Our School Council Representatives for 2024 / 2025



A pupil representative from each class from year 2 to year 6 makes up the School Council.

 Our representatives this year are:

Year 2: Leo & Emilia

Year 3: Dottie & Ollie

Year 4: Penelope & Zac

Year 5: Harvey & Maidah

Year 6: Mollie & Tyler

Click on this link to find out about our School Council Representatives  School Council Profiles

We have regular meetings

We regularly meet with Mrs Dook to discuss the views of our class, arrange fundraisers and feedback any issues in school from a pupil perspective. We have suggestion slips in all classes and at our meetings we discuss the forms that have been filled in and see if the suggestions can be implemented in school. After each meeting we are given time to tell our class about our meeting and share any information. As a result of suggestion slips these are some of the following changes have been put in place in the last 12 months –

  • A child wanted other children to know about Autism so we held two assemblies about Neuro-diverse conditions including Dyslexia, Tourette’s, ADHD and Autism.
  • KS2 children are now allowed to bring in reading books or notebooks to use at lunchtime.
  • A prayer time was arranged in school for older Muslim children run by a teaching assistant at lunchtime


We support charities

We decide which charity events we will support and raise awareness of their work by planning and delivering assemblies. Each year we take part in the Rotary Club Shoe Box Appeal helping families in Eastern Europe. In November we take part in ‘Children in Need’ by wearing spotty clothing and raising money for charities across the UK. School Council members lead an assembly telling them all about Children in Need and how the money we raise is used.


We Conduct an Annual Pupil Voice Survey 

As a group we help Mrs Dook decide on the questions for the pupil voice survey and look at the results afterwards. In 2024

99% of the children from Y2-6 said ‘yes or usually’ to the question

The school council do their job of speaking on behalf of the class”


These are some of the comments the children made in our last survey

Teachers do their jobs well to help us learn – Jack Y3

School does a good job at keeping us happy and safe – Eva Y4

There are a good variety of clubs so everyone can do what they want to – Emily Y5

I enjoy lessons, the teachers are kind and make me feel safe at school – Olivia Y5

The best thing about our school is that we have teachers you can talk to – George Y6

 The survey’s results are shared with staff and governors and they discuss implementing our suggestions.


New Reception Parents Meeting

In July we presented information to parents of children starting school in September 2024. Each year group prepared a speech about the things their year group does, for example special projects and any visits or residentials they go on during the year. Photos and videos were also shown to give parents a good idea about what their child will do in each year.

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