Crowlees CE (C)

Crowlees CE (C)

Junior & Infant School

Find out more about our wonderful school

Crowlees CE (C) J & I School, Springfield Park, Parker Lane, Mirfield, West Yorkshire, WF14 9PD

(01924) 494970


 Meeting Minutes

Minutes 21st September 2022

Minutes 14th June 2022

Minutes 11th May 2022

AGM Minutes 21th September 2022

Minutes 1st Nov 2022

Minutes 10th January 2023

Minutes 15th November 2023

Minutes 9th September 2024

Minutes 6th March 2024

Minutes 15th May 2024



1) The name of the School is Crowlees Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Junior and Infant School.

2) The school is a Voluntary Controlled School.

3) The name of the governing body is ‘The Governing Body of Crowlees Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Junior and Infant School’.

4) Total number of governors is 15.

5) 1 Foundation Governor appointed by the Leeds Diocesan Board of Education after consultation with the Parochial Church Council for the Parish of St Mary the Virgin, Mirfield.

6) a. The holder of the following office shall be a Foundation Governor ex-officio: The Vicar of St Mary the Virgin, Mirfield. b. The Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry within which the School is situated shall appoint a Foundation Governor to act in the place of the ex-officio Foundation Governor whose governorship derives from the office named in (a) above, in the event that the ex-officio Foundation Governor is unable or unwilling to act as a Foundation Governor, or there is a vacancy in the office by virtue of which his governorship ends.

7) The Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry in which the School is situated shall be entitled to request the removal of any ex-officio Foundation Governor and to appoint any substitute governor.

8) Ethos statement for the School Recognising its historic foundation, the School will preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England and in partnership with the Church at parish and diocesan level. The School aims to serve its community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. It encourages an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith, and promotes Christian values through the experience it offers to all its pupils.

9) That the School has a trust deed.

10) This instrument of government comes into effect on 1 September 2014.

11) This instrument was made by The Kirklees Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Schools (Instrument of Government) No 12 Order 2014. 13) A copy of the instrument must be supplied to every member of the governing body (and the head teacher, if not a governor).



 Name  Type Start Date  Current Term Ends
 Rev H Baker Foundation 18.09.2009  Ex-Officio
Mr G Blackwell Foundation September 2023 September 2027

 Mrs S Sultan




 Mr D Stead Co-opted 02.02.2021 01-03-25
 Dr A Khan Co-opted 12.01.2021 11.01.25
 Mrs K Woods Head Teacher 01.09.2012  HT
 Mrs S Gomersall Co-opted 02.11.2021 02-11-21  to 1.11.25
Rev H Butler Chair/Co-opted 18.07.2020 17-07-2024
 Mr M Lord Co-opted 23.11.2019 22-11-2023
 Mr P Byrne Co-opted 03.12.2019 02-12-2023
 Mrs L Sowden Co-opted 04.05.2021 03-05-2025
 Mr J Hudson Co-opted 28.01.2023 27-01-2027
 Mrs R Corcoran Co-opted/Staff 13.11.2022 12-11-2026
 Mrs E Eley Staff September 2023 20-09.2027

Mrs A Wheeler






Name Committee membership Position of responsibility
Rev H Baker Teacher dismissal pupil discipline/complaints/  Curriculum/ Head Teacher Appraisal, Vicar of St Mary’s Church/EYES
Mrs S Gomersall Finance School Business manager
 Dr A Khan  Curriculum, Pastoral
Mr Dan Smith Pastoral/ Staff Dismissal Staff Appointments   Well Being
 Mrs L Sowden  Pastoral, Dismissals, Pupil Discipline, Complaints Head Teacher appraisal   Vice Chair
Mrs K Woods Staffing/Finance/Curriculum & Monitoring/Teacher Appraisal/Pastoral Head teacher
Mr D Stead Pastoral /Teacher Appraisal 
Rev H Butler Staff Dismissal/Pupil Discipline/Curriculum & Monitoring/ Head Teacher’s Performance Management/Complaints Parish Priest; Chair of Governors.
Mr M Lord Finance/Pupil Discipline/Pastoral Governor for Vulnerable Children (Looked after children/ Child Protection/safeguarding/pupil premium)
Mr P Byrne Pupil discipline/Complaints/Dismissal Appeals/Teacher Appraisal/ curriculum 
Mr J Hudson Finance/ Dismissal Appeals/Complaints, Teacher appraisals, Head Teacher Performance Management Finance
Mrs R Corcoran Staffing/Finance/Curriculum & Monitoring/Pastoral Deputy Head Teacher Safeguarding/LAC/Child protection/vulnerable children and PP
 Mrs S Sultan  Staff Dismissal/Pastoral



Name  Interests declared at AGM
 Rev H Baker  Vicar of St Mary’s Church Mirfield
Mrs S Gomersall  NIL
 Dr A Khan  NIL
 Mr G Blackwell  NIL
  Mrs L Sowden  NIL
Mrs K Woods Head Teacher at Crowlees
 Mr D Stead  NIL
Rev H Butler Consultant for ‘Collaboratives’ School Improvement;
 Mrs S Sultan NIL
 Mr M Lord  NIL
 Mr P Byrne NIL
 Mr J Hudson  Married to TA
 Mrs R Corcoran Deputy head teacher at Crowlees

 Mr C Eley

Mrs A Wheeler



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